Do Two Turns, Unload, and Go to the Moon

Hulu’s currently showing Speed and Angels, a documentary about two Navy officers training to be fighter pilots.

Officer 1: What if I reverse into a T circle, get us high, and then I keep sight.

Officer 2: Probably not.  That would be a bad game plan (because of the visibility).  That’s a huge factor — obviously “lose sight, lose the fight.”  It’s the oldest lesson of dogfighting.  If I were fighting a tomcat I’d just do two turns with an F-5, get him below his vertical airspeed, and then just like unload for a half a second, and then just go to the moon, come back, and pick your reentry.

Duh.  Even I know that.

(Okay, not really.  I understood each of the individual words, but assembling them in that order really doesn’t work for me.)

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