Then and Now Again

The Toronto 1977 – 2007 photo series showed how Toronto changed over three decades. Photographer Irina Wering’s Back to the Future project shows how people have changed in the same period of time.

Mechi in 1990 & 2010

Mechi in 1990 & 2010

Each pair takes an original image, usually of a child but occasionally with a teenager or younger adult, and recreates the scene with the same person in the present day.

Some of the pictures look like classic school portraits, while others show a variety of everyday activities that one would expect to see photographed — playing at home or at the beach, or posing at a landmark while on vacation.

Werning has taken care to duplicate not just the location but also the clothes and even the posture and facial expression of each original.

Lali in 1978 & 2010

Lali in 1978 & 2010

(via bumbumbum)