I listened attentively every time someone recommended that I watch Firefly, and then practiced the fine art of procrastination in never watching it. The series ended over six years ago, but I’ve finally caught up now.
Among my favorite quotes from the entire fourteen-episode run:
If you take sexual advantage of her, you’re going to burn in a very special level of hell — a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.
A close second, from the same episode:
My days of not taking you seriously are sure coming to a middle.
I found Serenity (the followup movie) somewhat underwhelming. It seemed to seek a plot great enough to commit to the big screen, when the episodic plots of the television show were a far better fit for the characters.
But even if Serenity were entirely lifeless (which it’s not), Firefly would still have been fantastic enough to compensate. I will now immediately buy my own set of DVDs, and if only someone made a Firefly tee shirt I’d buy that too.