Girl Scouts

A teenaged Girl Scout is calling for a boycott on buying cookies this year upon learning that Girl Scouts of the USA admits transgender boys — i.e., admits anyone who identifies herself as a girl regardless of the child’s anatomical gender.

I expected a vitriolic rant on the evils of minorities here. What you’ll hear instead, while still tragically misguided, is a calm, well-researched position:

Of course, what this actually does is increase immensely my respect for Girl Scouts of the USA. I’ll order extra cookies this year as soon as our local troops start selling (in just ten more days).

Whereas Boy Scouts of America openly and thoughtlessly discriminates against its membership (which it can legally do as a private organization), I’ve learned from this news that Girl Scouts of the USA is more accepting. Girl Scouts of Colorado in particular made headlines when a local troop leader initially denied admission to a transgender boy prompting the state organization to intervene with a reminder that “Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization”. Anyone who identifies herself as a girl (regardless of their physical anatomy) may join.

Girl Scouts are also a bit more tolerant toward religious differences. Although the Girl Scout Promise calls for girls to try “to serve God and my country”, after a lawsuit in 1993 they now allow individuals to substitute other phrasing for “God” if that word does not describe their beliefs. (This establishes those who deviate as exceptions to be tolerated rather than equals, but is still an important positive step.)

Ultimately, why would we want to shelter our children from others who are different? At a young age children are already accustomed to discovering that much about the world is different than they had imagined and they will take those differences in stride. A girl in Kindergarten meeting a transgender boy will almost certainly respond by saying, “Well that’s nice; can we go down the slide again now?” An adult meeting the same individual in the workplace for the first time may react less favorably. Even if you cruelly characterize someone’s beliefs as “abnormal” or “wrong”, whom do you serve by pretending that they do not exist in the world? Certainly not your children.

The teen in this video advocates boycotting cookie sales since more than half of those proceeds go to the council, with only 10% to 15% staying with the local troop. She advocates sending cash donations specifically to local troops — presumably those deemed sufficiently intolerant and bigoted. For the rest of us, this is a great excuse to eat more  cookies, since funding the council is funding the same organization that’s willing to intervene when it sees intolerance in local troops.

The website behind the video also provides a form letter to send to Girl Scouts of the USA administration to protest the decision. I’ll be sending a letter of support.

One thought on “Girl Scouts

  1. JustPIxelz says:

    It’s almost time for Girl Scout cookies which means it is also time to get my Intolerance badge by checking the right-wing ravings about how those scouts are corrupting American girls.  

    Let’s start with “100 Questions For the Girl Scouts”.  All the questions are about Planned Parenthood, lesbians and sex.  Except #111 (which incidentally reminds us that some people didn’t get the Counting badge):

    In [their] quest to “transform” the Girl Scouts and make them “relevant,” has it abandoned some of the very principles that made the Girl Scouts a great organization that parents can trust?

    The answer is “yes”.   Because the Sewing badge does not help on the job application the way it used to.

    Then there is “The Girl Scouts: Just One Big Lesbian Recruitment Camp” over on “The Stir” at CafeMom  (We all know if the Girl Scouts were serious about lesbian recruitment, they’d come out with a Brownie cookie.)  This features “10 Signs the Girl Scouts Are Pushing a Scary Feminist, Lesbian, Pro-Choice Agenda”.  There are a correctly counted ten bullet points, but #9 doesn’t sound that pushy or scary or feminist or anything.  “Girl Scout camp? Hmm. What exactly are they doing at those so-called “camps” anyway?”  That sounds more like the beginning of a Jerry Seinfeld riff with Jerry continuing, perhaps: “I was a girl scout.  I scouted for girls all the time.  If I knew they had a camp, I’d have worked harder for that wilderness skills badge.”  [pause for laughter]

    One of those recruitment camps is probably Camp Juliette Low in Georgia.  Juliette Low founded the Girl Scouts in 1912 because the Boy Scouts were too busy not being homosexuals or something.  In one of her typical anti-American rants, Mrs Low said:

    We must accept the fact that transport and communications will bring the world in close relations and the youth of the world should have standards and ideals in common.

    She said that before Twitter made us think 140 character at a time.

    She also said the more tweet-friendly:

    The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers.

    So you can see why they hate her. Obviously “… we are its homemakers.” is the correct, Christian version.  

    Fun fact about Juliette Low: She was deaf as an adult.  Chronic ear infections as a child made one ear deaf. A grain of rice thrown at her wedding lodged in her other ear, which was punctured by the procedure to remove it.  Perhaps the wedding incident explains the lesbian recruitment.

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