Text to HTML to Text

Found in an application built circa 2001 (I’ve replaced the descriptive variable names with $xxx):

$xxx = $this->htmlToText('<span>' . $xxx->get_lead_title() . '</span>');

So… first we wrap something in <span> tags, and then we convert the HTML to text?


Escape from Database Island

This is unnerving:

[bobbojones@desktop app]$ grep -R mysql_real_ * | wc -l
[bobbojones@desktop app]$ find . | xargs wc -l | tail -n 1
   19199 total

In nearly 20,000 lines of code, the function mysql_real_escape_string() is called only 20 times.  I estimate, very conservatively, that there are over 300 distinct queries in that code base.

I’m really hoping someone thought they’d be cute and wrap mysql_real_escape_string() inside some other function.

A Window Into the (Recent) Past

An e-mail draft was sitting on my computer when I got to my office this morning.  It’s obviously something I started on Friday and never finished.  This happens occasionally.  The message read, in its entirety:

I want to run three areas for potential improvement by you

It did not have a subject or a “to” address.  I hadn’t even added punctuation to the end of the sentence.

So, at the end of the day on Friday I had devised three brilliant ways to improve some application — that’s the only reason I would write such a thing — but I now have absolutely no idea what they were, which application it was, who would need to know about them, or even if there’s still time to implement them.  I also know that I could not pursue this unilaterally, since I was about to ask someone else.



Philosophical Programming

A colleague just shared this gem with me:

Starting with two premises — that all software contains bugs and that all software can be built with fewer lines of code — one can inductively prove that all programs can be reduced to a single line of code that doesn’t work.

Just In Cases

Found in an old application (circa 2002):

/* just in case.*/
return false;

In case of what?  Are we not trusting the exit statement anymore?

This reminds me of a West Wing scene from the episode Swiss Diplomacy:

Bartlet: This meeting doesn’t go in the Sit Room anymore, okay? I don’t know why the hell it’s here. This isn’t a military operation.

Leo: It’s a secure room.

Bartlet: My office is a secure room, too, isn’t it? Please, somebody tell me it is, or I gotta go pack some stuff. You see my point?

If exit doesn’t work, I gotta go pack some stuff.

These Are Not the Rows You’re Looking For

In April, I wondered why a simple COUNT(1) query took 30 seconds.  Now I know it could be a lot worse:

[bobbojones@test (none)] > SELECT COUNT(1) FROM r2;
| COUNT(1) |
|        0 |
1 row in set (59.76 sec)

It just took nearly a minute to determine that the table is empty.

That’ll do, MySQL.  That’ll do.

True, False, File Not Found

Lawyers famously say, “Never ask a question unless you already know the answer.”

I’m supplementing a third-party application we recently installed that administers quizzes online.  It’s nothing revolutionary – students take a quiz, and it’s graded automatically.  I just need to generate a new report that includes the already-calculated quiz grades, so I’m studying the database.

I started with the table results_answers which lists students’ individual answers, and includes a column called result_answer_iscorrect.  Excellent!  This must show a 1 if the answer is correct, or a 0 if it’s not.  Let’s just ask the database to make sure:

[bobbojones@production xxx] > SELECT result_answer_iscorrect, COUNT(1)
FROM results_answers
GROUP BY result_answer_iscorrect;
| result_answer_iscorrect | count(1) |
|                       0 |      425 |
|                       2 |    18986 |
|                       3 |     5259 |
3 rows in set (0.15 sec)

Blërg!  (There aren’t any ones, but there are twos and threes.)

I knew I shouldn’t have asked the question.

Simon SAID!

Although our entire development staff (including me) thinks it’s utterly stupid, I had to use the Zend Encoder.

[bobbojones@malahide pubph]$ zendenc pubph.php pubph.enc.php
root privileges are required in order to preserve ownerships of encoded files

That’s strange.  I own the original file, and I’m running the executable.  Shouldn’t I just naturally own its output files?  I’ll just play along for fun.

[bobbojones@malahide pubph]$ sudo zendenc pubph.php pubph.enc.php
Cannot stat pubph.php: Permission denied

Wait, what do you mean, “Permission denied?”  I said sudo!  You know, sudo?  As in, “Superuser access that authorizes me to do absolutely anything I want on this machine up to and including destroying its entire contents, your stupid executable included?”  Sudo?  Sound familiar?  Even a little?  No?


(As it turns out, the first one worked just fine.  The “root privileges are required” reprimand is apparently only a warning, and just I didn’t happen to check the output immediately.  Still, I feel as if my authority as a sudoer has been undermined.)