The latest episode of Psych includes the theme song in Spanish.
Author: Ben
Luckily, I Don’t Want to Buy Any
From Craigslist Computer Gigs, Boston:
“I need someone to design a site for me for my computer business.I don’t have any products to sell via website at the moment. Please give me an idea about your price.”
How to Get Dumped in One Easy Step
Here is an actual e-mail I just received from a popular web hosting provider.
“… Want to give your sweetheart something creative this Valentine’s Day?”
Stop right there. Just stop. Do not even think of going on to suggest that I should get my hypothetical sweetheart a nice web hosting package for Valentine’s Day.
Well *I* Sure Don’t Know
Ira Glass: “From WBEZ Chicago, it’s This American Life, distributed by Public Radio International. To explain the idea for this week’s radio show I need to tell you about this date one of the producers of our show, Jane Feltes, went on recently.”
Jane Feltes: “He would use these arguments like, ‘He went to BU.’ I don’t know what… is that Boston University?”
Ira Glass: “Yeah.”
Jane Feltes: “Is that a good school?”
Ira Glass: “I don’t know.”
Jane Feltes: “I don’t know either.”
Never Date a Client?
Dear Google,
When a client sends me an e-mail canceling a scheduled requirements-gathering meeting and recommending a new date, the following is not considered a relevant or appropriate ad to put at the top of the page:
“How To Get Her Back – – Get Her Back Fast – Proven Approach She Can’t Resist.”
Capable of Scheduling Meetings in Boston
The End… Is Just the Beginning Again
Overheard Phone Call: “They’re gonna enter their password, and then click ‘Forgot Password.’ (pause) No, they’re gonna ENTER their password. (pause) Right, and then click ‘Forgot Password.'”
Stay in School
“Are you still walking the street?”
“No! I only did that when I was younger!”
– 22 year-old Harvard Girls on the T
We Sure Did
“I didn’t realize I’d taken my pants off.”
– Guy on T (thankfully wearing pants at the time)
Role Model
From our course descriptions:
“Explores the way various cultures shape the lives and social development of children. Topics include cultural concepts of childhood; the acquisition of culture; socialization and moral development; cognition, emotion, and behavior in childhood; children’s language and play; and the cultural shaping of personality. Hefner. 4 either sem.”
An Honest Crook
Guy: “I don’t break the law. If I do, it’s for good reason.”
Cop: “What kind of reason would it be for?”
Guy: “I don’t know, probably steal somebody’s guns that ain’t police officers.”
Cop: “So you steal people’s guns?”
Guy: “Yeah, I do that a lot!”
– Cops