It’s a UNIX System; I Know This

I love analyzing how computers work in movies.  Someone on the production staff must know something about computers to get the fake systems to appear operational, but at some point during the process the desire for flashy technology overrides that real-world knowledge.

National Treasure using Wikipedia's Queen Victoria article

National Treasure using Wikipedia

I started watching National Treasure: Book of Secrets this afternoon.  If the first film is any indication, this promises a wealth of unlikely technological behavior.

Already I had to pause the movie only 30 minutes in when Riley Poole (Justin Bartha) started looking up historical names in an online database branded “Find On-Line.”

In the first split second of screen exposure you should recognize the fonts and proportions of Wikipedia.  An image is floated right, and the familiar Monobook navigation menu is on the right.  In the remaining second or two you see the image, you might also notice the unusually high concentration of links in the text, and maybe even the way the first line is indented (à la “Queen Victoria redirects here.  For other uses…”).

Finally, let’s take a moment to reflect that although Riley is using a MacBook, he appears to be running applications that borrow heavily from both Windows and Linux.

All I Wanted Were Funny Movie Clips

Of at least 1,200 movie clips currently on Hulu, these are the top 20 most popular today (as titled on the site):

  1. Cocoon: Alien Sex
  2. Animal House: Topless Pillow Fight
  3. Bring it On: Bikini Car Wash
  4. Porky’s: Shower Spy Hole
  5. Epic Movie: Lazy Pirate Day Video (“starring … Sara Underwood as a pirate wench”)
  6. The Ice Storm: Show Me Yours
  7. Bring it On: Having Cheer Sex
  8. The Girl Next Door: Fantasy
  9. American Pie 2: Going Too Far
  10. The Girl Next Door: I’m All Wet
  11. The Girl Next Door: Who Is This Girl?
  12. The Girl Next Door: Pool Crashers
  13. The Girl Next Door: Porn Star
  14. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls: Master’s Bathroom
  15. Carlito’s Way: Get Me Naked
  16. Epic Movie: Slow Motion (“Peter uses a magic slow-motion remote to watch a big-breasted woman run.”)
  17. Epic Movie: Harry Potter
  18. Epic Movie: You Got Punked
  19. Bring it On: You Really Suck
  20. Species III: Alien Breeding

Did you too detect a theme?

Only six items in the entire list do not immediately imply sexual content.  I included the clips’ descriptions for two of those in parentheses, which clears up the confusion right away.

Of the others, “Master’s Bathroom” features a couple bathing nude, “Harry Potter” has one character grab another’s breasts, “You Got Punked” has a woman flash someone with her back to the camera, and “You Really Suck” opens with a female cheerleader adjusting her underwear while a male cheerleader watches.

The next 20 don’t look much more promising.

I find our society deeply troubling right now.

True of Candy, True of Leaves

In searching for tips on not killing poinsettia plants, I found The Poinsettia Pages from the University of Illinois.  They provide this helpful bit of trivia:

A study at Ohio State University showed that a 50 pound child who ate 500 [leaves] might have a slight tummy ache.

I’m glad someone finally researched that!  I’ve been asking for years.  However, how did the study show that, exactly?

All Aboard

The Green Line rolling stock (that means “trains”) includes two different types of car:

  1. The Type 7 car, manufactured by the Japanese firm Kinki-Sharyo starting in 1986
  2. The Type 8 car, manufactured by the Italian firm Ansaldobreda starting in 1999

The newer cars, although cleaner and more “modern,” are worse.

Their big attraction is that the floor in the center is lower, so with only slightly elevated platforms passengers in wheelchairs or with strollers can roll on and off easily.  There’s also space to park those wheelchairs and strollers right beside the door.  (Older cars inexplicably put that space halfway between doors.)

These are absolutely admirable features, for which the T (and Ansaldobreda) should be congratulated.  The Type 8 cars are still inferior.

Just watch savvy commuters when a train arrives with one car of each type.  This morning, every single person at my stop literally ran from the Type 8 car that stopped directly in front of us to the Type 7 car behind it.  That was a bit extreme, but seeing people favor the older cars is entirely common.


Let’s start small: the older cars have more seats.  They have 46, to be precise, of which eighteen are single seats (the rest are pairs).  The newer cars have 40 total, and only four singles (the rest are long benches in each section of the car).  But that’s just being petty.  More people can stand than sit on just about any subway car, so the real problem is with the “standing space” configuration.

First, there are wide expanses of open space by each door with limited handholds.  Nobody can balance there when going around sharp corners, and it’s potentially dangerous during a collision.

Second, most seats face across the train (not forward and backward), so people’s legs are in the aisle.  That’s fine on a wider “heavy rail” subway car (like the Red Line, or in New York), but in the narrow “light rail” cars people are reluctant to stand two-across in that space.

Third, there are too many “choke points.”  People stick to the walls of a subway car like cholesterol to an artery.  Take a look at the car.  After boarding, a lot of people won’t walk down the steps, so the front portion of the car clogs quickly.  If you get through that, you next encounter the narrow middle portion, where people also stop, further blocking the aisle.  Then there’s another staircase, which keeps people from utilizing that “back deck” even on some very heavy trips.

Standing Space in the Type 8 Car

Standing Space in the Type 8 Car

In a perfect world, everyone would move out of the way, and let new people aboard.  In the real world, cars need to be designed to facilitate boarding despite inconsiderate or unaware passengers.

We could forgive these failings if the cars were more reliable or safer, but they derailed and broke down so often when they first started running that the T has since declined to buy anything else from Ansaldobreda.

We’ll pretend the mechanical failings are why we dislike the newer cars so much, but the reality is: we just don’t like them.  To the T: until you can replace the fleet with better vehicles, at least keep running two-car trains with one car of each type.  We’ll be happier that way.

Close a Door, Open a Window

From the Report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel, analyzing the mass murder there last year:

A female student trying to get into Norris Hall shortly before the shooting started found the entrance chained.  She climbed through a window to get where she was going on the first floor.  She did not report the chains, assuming they had something to do with ongoing construction.

I can’t imagine that if I showed up to work to find all the doors chained I would even consider that a gunman could be responsible, nor that he was inside at that moment preparing to start shooting.

However, I also highly doubt that upon finding the doors chained shut I’d consider climbing through a window to get in anyway.

Put Down the Nuclear Warhead and Step Away from the Car

As part of my ongoing Christmas travel planning, I’m exploring rental cars.

My credit card has an apparently common feature where they’ll insure any car rented using the card.  I can forgo the rental company’s insurance, theoretically assuming financial responsibility myself, but really falling back on the credit card if I’m in an accident.

I wanted to be sure I fully understood the terms and conditions, so I read the booklet that came with the card thoroughly.  It includes this passage:

Exclusions.  Coverage does not apply to Loss resulting from the following:

  • Any dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act of the Insured.
  • Forgery by the Insured.
  • Loss due to war or confiscation by authorities.
  • Loss due to nuclear reaction or radioactive contamination.

Wow.  That list went downhill really fast.  The bits about fraud and forgery I expected, but then already in the third and fourth items we’ve slipped into war and nuclear reactions!

I admit I’m also struggling to envision what sort of nuclear reaction would damage the car, but would leave the driver intact and liable for the damage.

Cheapest Flight on the Market

In pricing Christmas travel options, I contemplated flying JetBlue to Burlington, Vermont.  The cheapest flight costs $104,  and goes by way of JFK Airport in New York.

It’s a cheap flight, and (believe it or not) the best route available.  Unfortunately, the timing is lousy, with a layover for over four hours.

I thought I’d try pricing just the flight from JFK to Burlington thinking I’d make the connection on another carrier.  The exact same flight without the leg from Boston costs just $99.

Why didn’t someone tell me sooner that we had $5 flights to New York from here?

Two Times Two is 450,363

CNN Money has a nice retirement planner tool that supposedly takes into account income, expected raises, 401(k) matching, and various other factors.  I usually try it out around this time of year when I’m planning my December savings and spending.

I’m not convinced it’s entirely accurate.  It suggests (emphasis as quoted):

If you adjust the amount you contribute each year to your taxable accounts to zero, you will have a 99.84% chance to save $450,363 from now until retirement.

Do I have some off-shore accounts of which I was not previously aware?  Or have the odds of winning half a million dollars on a scratch ticket gone way up?