And now may I present: one of the worst ideas ever!

Will You Marry Me… Online?
This (future) web service promises, “You can propose online with your very own proposal page that is made up of all the great information that you think is necessary.”
Flowers and champagne aren’t right for everyone. I don’t mean belittle someone whose perfect proposal might come riding a horse or sitting in a Chili’s. Proposals mirror the nature of the relationship, and there are a lot of different sorts of relationships. But surely we can all agree that a proposal — the suggestion that two people spend the rest of their lives together — should happen while actually together.
If it’s any consolation, the copyright notice reads 1997 to 2009, I came across this in 2010, and now in 2012 it’s all still “coming soon.” Perhaps traffic to the would-be online proposal service just isn’t what it might have been.