A sixth grader reflects on what went right and what went wrong in his recent project:
My project went horribly wrong. My mom did it for me and I got caught.
A sixth grader reflects on what went right and what went wrong in his recent project:
My project went horribly wrong. My mom did it for me and I got caught.
Offhand I’d say this sixth grader has bigger problems than a failed project. He has a mother who does his work thereby never demanding that he become smarter than a fifth grader.
The question is whether he’s acknowledging it went horribly wrong because his mom did it for him, or because he got caught. Unfortunately, the latter does seem more likely.
The other question, I guess, is whether Mom knew he was handing in her work. He submitted two identical copies of the same work: one in his own handwriting, and one in his mother’s.
Mom knew. I called and asked. She also did not see anything wrong with the situation, nor was she mad when I made him redo it.