It’s a little known fact that “duck” is an adaptation of the WWII DUCW manufacturing acronym which stood for “Dude, You’re Crossing Water”.
I personally have never driven a “duck boat”. In the course of my duties as a postal carrier, I have driven a FROG Boat (“Floating Redelivery Operating Gizmo”, a CROC boat (“Combined River/Overland Craft”), and a SWAN Boat (“Sightseeing Watercraft for Advanced Navigation”.
It’s a little known fact that “duck” is an adaptation of the WWII DUCW manufacturing acronym which stood for “Dude, You’re Crossing Water”.
I personally have never driven a “duck boat”. In the course of my duties as a postal carrier, I have driven a FROG Boat (“Floating Redelivery Operating Gizmo”, a CROC boat (“Combined River/Overland Craft”), and a SWAN Boat (“Sightseeing Watercraft for Advanced Navigation”.
But to answer your question: Yes, I’m jealous