I’m not sure which is stranger:
- The OCR board accidentally printed up GCSE music exams for 12,000 students with the answers on the back
- When they figured it out, they basically shrugged and said, ‘Probably nobody noticed anyway.’
(According to Reuters)
So a student smart enough to turn over the paper pretty much automatically passes the exam. And the student who doesn’t do that (or has the integrity to ignore an obvious mistake) is on their own.
Meanwhile, the instructor who didn’t inspect the exams for accuracy, completeness, legibility is entrusted to judge this did not effect the outcome.
This raises more questions than it answers. (I already looked on the back of the blog, but there’s just picture of an apple.) How can we trust these untested musicians? When they play a C-sharp, is it really a D-flat? We just won’t know. And we’ll be left only with atonal rap and Jessica Simpson “songs” as iTunes becomes just i.
Thank you inattentive music instructors for ruining EVERYTHING!