
Last week, NPR ran a brief story about Christopher Ratte. This father ordered a lemonade for his son (age 7) at a baseball game, and was given a Mike’s Hard Lemonade.

Some suggest this isn’t a realistic mistake, though as a non-drinker myself I can confirm that I didn’t know Mike’s Hard Lemonade was alcoholic until somebody tole me. I doubt I would have thought it unusual to give it to a child.

As reporter Scott Simon reflects, even the $7 price was no clue, since “the price of everything in a ballpark is ludicrous, from a bag of peanuts to the pay of a first baseman.”

…Who Was In “Picture Perfect” With Kevin Bacon

Homer (to his mom): “You keep disappearing and reappearing and it’s not funny. You’re just like that show Scrubs.” – The Simpsons (Season 19, Episode 19, “Mona Leaves-a”)

That’s not nice at all! I’ll choose instead to interpret that as a friendly homage to this scene in Scrubs:

Janitor: For three years I’ve been watching you pine after Blonde Doctor, and I gotta tell you, everyone is sick of it – “Will they? Won’t they? Looks like they’re going to! Oooh, the last second, something might – ohhhhh!” Come on! Enough already! I mean, you guys aren’t exactly Ross and Rachel.

J.D.: Who?
Janitor: Dr. Ross, and Rachel from Bookkeeping.

– Scrubs (Season 3, Episode 30, “My Fault”)