Elvis Has Reentered the Building

I picked up a copy of Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu from the library for a little practice reading French.  Only one sentence in I got nervous about the translation.  In the American English version, the first sentence reads:

The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it “the Riddle house,” even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there.

This, of course, references Tom Marvolo Riddle, whom we met in The Chamber of Secrets two books ago.  Bien.  Maintenant en Français:

Les habitants de Little Hangleton l’appelaient toujours la maison des « Jeux du sort », même s’il y avait de nombreuses années que la famille Jedusor n’y vivait plus.

Translating roughly back to English, and adding emphasis, that reads:

The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it “the Riddle house,” even though it had been many years since the Jedusor family had lived there.

(Okay, putting “Riddle” back in is a stretch, but it’s the Jedusor that stands out most anyway.)

I didn’t read La Chambre des Secrets en Français, but according to Wikipédia the character we know and love to hate as Tom Marvolo Riddle is known en France as M. Tom Elvis Jedusor.

On the one hand… Elvis?  Really?  On the other hand, the anagram in Chamber of Secrets was one of the two silliest and least believable moments in the entire saga.  Introducing “Marvolo” to make the letters come out right never felt appropriate.

En Français, c’est seulement « Je Suis Voldemort »